Oakland University students received a total of six awards — the most of any other university in attendance — at the inaugural International Forum on Research Excellence (IFoRE), which took place November 3-6 in Alexandria, Va.
Oakland County's Neighborhood & Housing Development Division is supporting the development of affordable rental housing and award up to $1 million in gap funding for new construction, acquisition, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable rental housing.
With many residents turning on their heat for the first time, running their fireplaces, or cooking for the holidays, it's a good idea to ensure you have properly working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Lawrence Technological University is pleased to announce that it will launch a two-year, master’s degree program in physician assistant studies in Fall 2022.
After having initial discussions in 2021, this fall several Oakland University School of Engineering and Computer Science students partnered with the team at SEA LIFE, Michigan's largest aquarium, at Great Lakes Crossing Outlets, to bring some Thanksgiving joy to Benson and Carr, the aquarium's two resident sea turtles.